Moms With Dreams Show

130: You Can't Rush Your Dreams w/Erica Blocker



In this solo episode, I’m encouraging you to slow down and enjoy the journey to your dreams. In our fast-paced society, we do a lot of rushing around from one thing to the next, and we’ve developed a mindset that doing things fast is the only way to achieve success. I’m challenging you to change your mind about that. Instead, I want you to give yourself permission to slow down and find a pace that fits your lifestyle. As moms, we have a lot on our plates. We have obligations and responsibilities that take precedence over our wants and desires. And we simply don’t have the luxury of doing everything fast. When we try to do too much too fast, we can start to feel overwhelmed and put ourselves at risk for burnout. As you listen to this episode, I want you to think about the pace at which you’re currently living your life and pursuing your dreams. Are you living in the moment and enjoying your journey, or are you constantly moving at such a fast pace that makes it difficult for you to enjoy it? I share tips to he