Moms With Dreams Show

129: Rediscover Your Inner Wildness w/Lucinda White



Have you ever felt like the way you feel about how you are and what you believe don’t match how you’re living your life? If your answer is yes, then you’re going to love my conversation in this episode. Lucinda White is an Inner Wildness Guide, an expert in the process of self-discovery and personal transformation, and author of Confessions of a Bone Woman: Realizing Authentic Wildness in a Civilized World. Through private coaching, public speaking, and her writing, Lucinda teaches how to be authentically wild in a civilized world. In this episode, Lucinda helps you understand why you may have, at some point or another, felt disconnected from who you truly are and how you’re living your life and showing up in the world. Lucinda explains how this is a common thing that most people experience, and how you can reconnect with your “authentic wildness”. This term may be unfamiliar to you right now, but after listening to our conversation, you’ll know exactly what it is and how it relates to you. During our talk, L