Moms With Dreams Show

MWD 089: Live an Extraordinary Life Series: Learn to Trust Yourself



As you probably know, each week I typically interview amazing women from all over the world with a purpose to inspire you and show you what’s possible for you to create in your life. Every now and then I sprinkle a few awesome men in there, too. From time to time, I like sharing an intimate space where I teach a topic that I feel is relevant to you and will help you in your journey to your dreams. Today’s episode falls into that category, but it’s even better than one of my regular solo episodes. Today this is the beginning of a new series that I’m sharing exclusively with you, my podcast listener, called Live An Extraordinary Life – One Step At A Time. This series is designed to help you live an extraordinary life – one step at a time. Together we’ll cover various aspects of life and business and I will reveal how you can take small steps to create extraordinary living. In this episode I share a personal story about a lesson that I learned from my mother as a little girl and how that lesson ended up hurting