Movers + Mavericks

See what you can do if you go all in - Episode 102 - Simon Freeman



What’s it like to go from smoking 60 cigarettes on a night out, to waking up the next day and deciding to make a change and take up running. Something as simple as running round the block can literally move you to change your life and that is where this week’s weMove podcast goes. We talk to Simon Freeman, co-founder of running publication Like The Wind magazine. Having met Simon a few years ago, through a shared interest in printed magazines with weMove and Like the Wind we knew him to be a runner but I never really asked him why he ran, and even his where his passion for running came from, we would simply shoot the breeze and put the world to rights. And it's one of those stories that could easily be applied to anyone who is looking for a change or a re routing of there current life path. Simon is a regular guy who made a couple of decisions based on his life and channelled that energy into something more positive unintentionally taking him on a journey that would see him finish in the top 100 at the L