Movers + Mavericks

Movement and the Search for Meaning - Ollie McCarthy - Episode 89



Episode 4 in the Movement and Search for Meaning series with running coach Ollie McCarthy. We titled this the Taboo of Talking as we talk about suicide, Ollie's experience of coming to terms with his girlfriends attempted suicide and how he found weightlifting and running his avenues for processing this event. Incredibly poignant for Chris and I, as we have our own experience in 2019 of my gladly failed attempt at suicide. Being able to talk to Ollie about his experience, listen to him and share experiences without the charged emotion of me or him being in each others experiences I found very helpful in developing an empathy with my life partner Lucie and also with Chris. We don't talk enough, yet we talk too much in this modern world. And I believe that the space to talk, listen and be heard is one of the most powerful and transformative practices for our mental, physical and spiritual health. Thanks Ollie. If this is a conversation that resonates with you, or someone you know, it would be great to