Movers + Mavericks

Movement and the Search for Meaning - Dan Armstrong - Episode 84



I’m fascinated by the reasons we each have for moving. Why we move. And it felt the right time to open up the conversation with some of those that we know and who listen to the podcast about their experiences with movement and what it has brought to them. Personally past experiences with movement and observation of others journey I have noticed that we move in whatever form our bodies are innately drawn to and it is my personal belief that is because our body is wanting to express something more than our mind/ego can comprehend or the conventions of sport and competition allow. There comes a time in the experiences Chris and I have listened to when a specific event evolves the idea of movement and physicality from sport and striving towards navigating what we are, who we are and why. So I am saying that movement gives us meaning and a mechanism to process our past lived experiences to make sense of them and organise them in our body and mind to support us in the future. Where sport is about competition and th