Movers + Mavericks

Cultivating Awareness - Ray Carbullido - Episode 53



Hey there and welcome to this week's episode of the weMove podcast. This week's podcast is for those who are looking for or working towards improving themselves, their movement practice, their health practice, in fact any practice. And it follows on from the last two podcasts with Gary Ward and Severin Romanov. It's about awareness, and in that I mean cultivating awareness and within the cultivation of our awareness, a return to the fundamentals and to the principles of the very thing we are trying to improve. We recorded this episode back in March of this year and it's curious, to me at least how we have these conversations and how unknowingly at the time how relevant they are to us come the time we release them, because they are not recorded at the time only knowing they are a piece of the puzzle. And this is the next piece of the puzzle and our guest is Ray Carbullido the martial artist and visual artist from Hawaii Whilst his practices might not be your practice, for Ray it's the