Movers + Mavericks

Thoughts on The Power of Community with Carl Faure



This weeks thoughts on we got in touch with Carl Faure about his experiences with building community and connection. Carls experience of this comes from starting the Stretch London yoga studios which have evolved over time to include yoga and movement, retreats and teacher training, that combine to create a very powerful, supportive and connected community who practice and teach there and further afield.We featured Carl in our podcast series and he talked further about his focus on the importance of building community within a practice to raise the level for everyone involved whilst nurturing and including newcomers and beginners. And from our experience it works!Thanks Carl, as always for your answers and for those who live in London or are passing through and are in need of a place to move with like minds then head over to Stretch on Broadway Market and get involved.And have you registered for the Complete Human Experience? This is our inaugural symposium where we will be co creating with The Rewire Project