Loud Murmurs

S1 E16: Crazy Rich Asians - A Tale of Two Generations of Immigrants



Today we are joined by Tony (weibo: @没有羊先生) and Xiaozi (weibo: @少年字) for a discussion on the all-Asian cast blockbuster Crazy Rich Asians. The movie received stellar ratings amongst critics and audiences alike, and is acclaimed as a major step towards screen representation for the Asian American community. The success, however, confused many Chinese movie-goers, as they saw only a rom-com not far from the traditional formula. What do you think about this movie? Swoon-worthy? Razzle-dazzling? Empowering or misrepresented? Tell us what you think by leaving comments on Weibo, Twitter, WeChat, iTunes, and Soundcloud. And yes we read all of them. 今天我们请到了Tony(微博@没有羊先生)和小字(微博@少年字)来聊一聊最近大热的Crazy Rich Asians。 这部电影在美国,尤其是亚裔群体里被评为里程碑式的电影,亚裔的《黑豹》;却被国内观众认为乏善可陈,不过是一个普通的霸道总裁灰姑娘爱情剧。这部华裔拍给世界的浪漫爱情喜剧和中国观众有哪些错位?电影里强烈的“宫斗感”从哪里来?杨紫琼和Constance Wu的麻将对手戏有什么深意?这可以算是一部有进步意义的电影吗?Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/loudmurmurs)