Loud Murmurs

S1 E10: Remembering Anthony Bourdain, food, culture and home



This is a special episode by Loud Murmurs, where we remember the legacy of chef, author and TV host Anthony Bourdain. Host Juan, Ina and our guest, food blogger Duan Wangye, talk about what food means to them and why it has everything to do with cultural identity and a sense of belongingness. 在这一期《小声喧哗》的特别节目中,主播Juan,Ina和美食作家段王爷一起缅怀了刚刚过世的大厨、作家,电视节目主持人波登,也讨论了食物与文化归属感之间无法切断的关系。 节目链接: 1. 段王爷的微信公众号:段王爷在纽约 @gh_8b6daa91beec 2. 波登 1999年为《纽约客》写的文章:《在吃饭之前不要读这个》 https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1999/04/19/dont-eat-before-reading-this 3. 《纽约客》2017年关于波登的长篇专访:《Anthony Bourdain的流动盛筵》https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/02/13/anthony-bourdains-moveable-feast 4. 纽约 Momofuku 主厨 David Chang在Netflix上的美食纪录片:《美食不美》https://www.netflix.com/title/80170368Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/loudmurmurs)