Movers + Mavericks

Returning to Centre - Gary Ward - Episode 50



Hey there and welcome to another episode of the weMove podcast.Today we feature Gary Ward who was on our radar in Issue 1 of the magazine when we featured his book “What the foot” as an essential book to read for movement performance and health.Fast forward 3 or 4 years and we're speaking to him person having been connected by our growing network of like minds.Gary Ward is kind of a secret weapon in injury prevention, performance development and all around bodily health because Gary is interested in awareness and alignment. Awareness not only in the present sense but also awareness of our past.Because tuning in to the events of our past can shine a light on how it has informed our present way of moving, living and being and with this awareness we have the potential to improve our alignment of our body and I think it goes much deeper and I believe it helps a line our body and mind and our spirit in order to to reach your potential.Gary's credentials are working with some of the best football teams in