Predicting The Turn W/ Dave Knox

Ignoring Hype, Trusting Data, and Disrupting the Venture Industry w/ Paul Martino



Venture capital is all about investing in disruption. How come the industry itself hasn’t been disrupted? n the venture industry, 9 out of 10 investors are trying to look better, sound better, and know more than the others, and 1 out 10 are actually trying to do something different. How come in an industry so intently focused on funding disruption, the vast number of people all do it the very same way? There’s no one more equipped to handle that question than Paul Martino, founder of Bullpen Capital. Bullpen Capital is an early-stage, post-seed venture fund investing in technology companies that have been funded by super-angels and institutional seed funds. What sets Bullpen apart from other firms are a few strategies they use to maximize their portfolio value and find the companies no one else is paying attention to but should be.