Movers + Mavericks

Yoga is moving on - Naomi Absalom - Episode 88



Welcome to the weMove podcast. This is connected with our Movement and the search for meaning series aswell as being a follow on rom one of the very first conversations we had for the podcast with Naomi Absolom. When we first met Naomi back in 2017/18 we were all beginning to question what the labels and names of the practices we were doing and how we were living. How they supported us, how they confined us and what would in fact take us forward, healthier, happier, stronger. Naomi was questioning the confines of the world of Yoga. Because when we say yoga we have a view of it, created by the Gurus, distorted by the media to gain mass appeal and yet it leaves a void or even a restriction on entering or exiting. Taking this step Naomi moved through it to a place where she is now, free of labels which in itself makes a space that is indefinable and for many that can appear to be too wild, too scary. This period of lockdown however has blossomed the possibility of where Naomi was heading and been a co creation w