Movers + Mavericks

Movement and the Search for Meaning - Rae Dwyer - Episode 87



There is always a little bit of truth where theres a problem,Rae Dwyer is our second guest and it was the following instagram post that we read that made this the next step in the series. "Something that has left me in awe and rendered me speechless of late: The experience of  f e e l i n g  over thinking when it comes to the formation of core beliefs. I really want to do what I'm trying to say justice. Stay with me.It's that in-your-actual-bones knowing. Perhaps a thing you've realised that maybe part of you would like to unrealise for convenience but knows that it's impossible. A belief/perception/epiphany that is completely untethered from motives of the ego and societal conditioning, so therefore cannot be denied and will in fact often come about as a result of having peeled away those rotting layers of internalised capitalism, homophobia, patriarchy. A bubbling up that at first, gives rise to a deep discomfort and frightening confusion, but once integrated, preceeds something tha