Liz And Alissa Make Stuff

Ep 43 - Liz and Alissa Make Vision Boards (The Secret Works? I Guess???)



Happy New Year! This week we went against every skeptical bone in our bodies and made vision boards with Kate Spencer, cohost of Forever35 and experienced vision boarder. Spoiler: we liked it. Will the secret work? Will Alissa actually knit something in 2019? Will Liz breathe the same air as Harry Styles? Only time will tell but we're feeling positive! We also find out what blasphemous things were added to Chex mix this holiday season, how many chickens gave their lives for Alissa's Christmas dinner and learn the answer to the question at the forefront of everyone's minds: what gift did Claud make for Liz???   The Vision Blurred To make spiced lemon simple syrup:In a small sauce pan, combine 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water, 1 star anise, 5 whole cloves and the zest from one lemon (cut off in strips). Heat over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Strain into a separate container and discard solids.   To make one cocktail: In a shaker with ice, combine 1.5 oz gin, 1 tbsp si