Liz And Alissa Make Stuff

Ep 31 - Liz and Alissa Make Savory Yogurt (Reunited and it Tastes Like Yogurt)



Imagine us, two ladies, lounging by a pool, eating yogurt, loving life, loving yogurt yet being so SO salty. Bring on the spinach. Bring on the cucumbers. GIVE ME ALL OF THE CHICKEN THIGHS. This is not the Yoplait commercial that you're used to. We've made yogurt and we've salted it up and it is good. Also discussed: Religion Shark Tank, Old Sturbridge Village, boyfriend potatoes, slam dunks vs. grand slams. EVERYTHING YOU LOVE. If you couldn’t tell, we are super out of practice and we 100% forgot to come up with a cocktail name! Oops. At least it’s not actually a cocktail, just a delicious, non-alcoholic drink. So doogh it up and and enjoy: To make yogurt:   Labneh: Labneh with Garlic and Herbs: Straining yogurt: Whey Flatbrea