Cringe With Marc Van Bulck

Ep. 10 - David LaMotte



     David LaMotte is an award-winning songwriter, speaker and writer. He has performed over 2,500 concerts and released eleven full-length CDs of primarily original music, touring in forty-eight of the fifty states, as well as extensively in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. He is a peacemaking advocate and the founder of Peg Partners - a non-profit that supports schools, libraries and music programs in Guatemala. He is the chair of the AFSC Nobel Peace Prize Nominating Committee and the author of three books, "S.S. Bathtub," "White Flour," and "Worldchanging 101: Challenging the Myth of Powerlessness."      This episode, David joins the podcast to tell stories behind some of my favorite songs and his creative process. He talks about how his new book, "Worldchanging 101," came into being and how he and his wife, Deanna, developed Peg. We nerd out about Biblical interpretation and theology and of course involve you, the listener, in the conversation by answering your social media questions.