
Backtalk: Google Manifesto & Transphobia Is Not a Joke



This week, exemplifies the question that Frank Ocean’s t-shirt asked: “”Why be racist, sexist, homophobic or transphobic when you could just be quiet?” Dahlia and Amy talk about the terribly misguided memo from a Google employee and the deplorable transphobia on the Breakfast Club. Recently, it was reported that a senior software engineer at Google decided that he needed to spread the good word around biological determinism as the reason behind the low number of women working in tech. This 10-page manifesto was leaked to the public and quickly went viral. They discuss how popular radio show, the Breakfast Club, is under fire for an interview where the hosts laughed as their comedian guest, Lil Duval, spewed harmful, violent transphobia—just a few days after writer Janet Mock had appeared on the show. This radio segment comes with the latest report that Dave Chapelle’s residency at Radio City Music Hall opens with transphobic jokes. And in this week’s Petty Political Pminute, we talk about the latest wors