Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show

1876 Pt 3 - Tilden or Blood



The two candidates have been selected. In keeping with the traditions of the day, their followers and friends hit the campaign trail on their behalf. Both sides have their platforms and both sides engage in the typical political mudslinging that we all know and love. But there is an added undercurrent. The Bourbon Democrats have made it abundantly clear that they have zero commitment to protecting the rights of all Americans, just the white ones that will vote for them. As for the others, well… But things aren’t going to go smoothly and those three recalcitrant unreconstructed States throw a monkey into the wrench. Now nobody is clear on who won, because Democrat Samuel Tilden has 51% of the popular vote, but that is not how we elect a President. Republicans control the three States executives and Legislatures, and they aren’t about to allow the intimidation and suppression of voters that has been rampant to allow Tilden to win. The Bourbon Democrats are screaming bloody murder and in that vein, the make i