Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show

Kepler's Perfect Solids



In the 17th Century, one man had to make a choice. Should he stick to his religious dogma and ignore his own observations and computation, or accept a new reality. As a scientist, he realized that he could not ignore reality. Because of his discoveries, because he was willing to accept that his precious dogma was incorrect, the world changed. As we begin a new voyage into the universe of the US Constitution, we would be wise to keep in mind that much like Scripture, and two people can look at the identical words on a page and come to a polar opposite understanding. We must steel ourselves to study with a willingness to understand that a different point of view does not mean that another person is our enemy. it means that they have a different experience in life, a different culture or environment. It means that we have an opportunity to learn something new. And, like Kepler, we must use that new data to see if our dogmas are in line with what we observe. If they are, we strengthen our understanding. if they a