Movers + Mavericks

What you seek is in fact your Self - Episode 93 - Jack Jewell



Hey there, welcome to the weMove podcast. There’s a lot of internal change happening within weMove at the minute. Not the obvious change, Chris and I are both still involved, but with this year being what it is, it has evolved us. I’m now in Portugal living with my young family, which has been a radical, obvious, natural, needed, timely, earned move. For how long, who knows but we are up in the hills, surrounded by nature, farmland, real life and it is just what we needed, I needed. And Chris is roaming and exploring in his own way, revisiting his place of birth, and the constructs that come with that. We are both in a good place, however you define a good place. I would say it still comes with the daily sludge to move through, but interspersed with real gems and progress.Training here is happening more in this place for me than the initial phase of lockdown 1. I just didn’t want to move, I wanted to be quiet and luckily I had the opportunity to. Become a kind of hermit, training with a close group of friends