Movers + Mavericks

Do You Know How to Sleep - Nick Littlehales - Episode 47



Hi there and welcome to the weMove podcast. This podcast we talk about something that makes us feel good, we as a society struggle to get enough and it is perhaps the most ignored and forgotten point in our day where we process, recover and regenerate our bodies and minds. I’m talking about sleep.Chris and I caught up with the professional athletes go to sleep coach who are looking for the marginal gains which separate them from the rest, he is called Nick Littlehales and is ideas and concepts have been used by the GB cycling team, Man City football club and many others that we are not able to divulge. Having recently become a parent, the first question I am asked in jest is “are you sleeping?” Well since applying the simple ideas Nick outlines, we as a family have improved our sleep no end. We now understand our sleep cycle and rhythm so that we all, yes that’s all sleep through. I should say subject to teething but that’s not sleep.It blew me away how and is so obvious that understanding and following the r