Movers + Mavericks

Thoughts on Movement: It Begins in the Brain with Troy Bradley



Welcome to another episode from our Thoughts on series. For those of you who have listened to The Rewire Project episode you might remember that Tony talks about the way to create adaptation in the body in physical, and other ways is to directly stimulate the brain, hence the name Rewire Project. Now this doesn’t require a bunch of electrodes into the brain and some Cold War era experiment and that leads us to this episode, way back before weMove became what it is I was introduced to a couple of osteopaths who started to switch me on to working with the body in order to optimise its function. One of the two osteos was and is Troy Bradley, who based in Brighton has worked worked with top flights sports people to give them boosts in performance that almost seem like magic. The sessions I had I experienced the effects of visual acuity practices and restoring connection in the body to our sensory input of hands, feet, eyes and skin. My balance improved, my imbalances and slight twists in the body caused by years