Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

Teen Anxiety is On the Rise



Teen Anxiety is on the Rise Do you wonder why teen anxiety is on the rise? Teens are increasingly feeling out of control of their world and this has lead to a epidemic of anxiety among our youth. This is what I want these poor loves to know. You are not out of control of your world, not even a little bit. And this suffering that you are going through? It is temporary and highly treatable. You can get better and I can show you how. Watch this video for the four most important things to keep in mind to handle and dismantle your anxiety. Here's the link to the Biology of Fear Video I speak about: Watch the video and read summary "Teen Anxiety on the Rise" here: and add to the discussion! Want more help in getting over your fears, and life-struggles? Join me over at for all kinds of help. Anxiety Coaching Group: "You 1, Anxiety 0" book: 20 ways to Calm From Anxiety and Pani