Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

Secrets of Really Happy People



The not-so-secret, secrets of really happy people: Blow things off a little.  This is how you don't take things so personally. The secret to being happy is to take a step back and look at it from a distance. You can understand it when you are not in the chaos of it. See it differently, know it is not about you and that takes so much suffering away from you.  The secret to being happy is to be compassionate with yourself. It's understandable why you are upset. Love yourself through that. Then, take yourself out of the center and see why it happened, put little meaning around it. The secrets to being happy is to blow it off a little.  Not giving it much attention at all. So that is the secrets of really happy people.  Get my book "You 1 Anxiety 0" here: ========================================­=== Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: ========================================­=== Find out about my online anxiety recovery prog