Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

How to Love and Accept Who You Are Right Now



Embrace Yourself Through Kindness Let me go on the record saying I make mistakes. I make mistakes, people! Tons of them. And I feel things: Sadness, anger, frustration from small and big injustices. Yes, I sweat the small stuff sometimes. I don't take care of myself sometimes and other times I am too lazy and selfish when I ought to be helping others more. I'm far from perfect in every possible way. But I don't let my imperfection stop me from embracing ALL OF THAT. It's all me. I believe in having compassion for this human body, these at-times unruly emotions, and my mistake-ridden behavior in its entirety. I embrace all of it, because it is all included in my wholeness. "Embrace yourself" is not some tangeable thing to do. You don't have to like everything. You don't have to "condone" it. To embrace yourself, you have to STOP doing something, that we humans do way too much: negative self-judgment.  This can be confusing, when you notice something you wish that you didn't do. Use the guilt how it is