Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

How to Help Someone with Depression



What do you do when you are really, really worried about someone that you love who is in a lot of pain from depression, loss, illness or any hard time? Worrying brings you down and doesn't help the other person. It validates their pain and it validates that there is something wrong with them. Your worry means that you love them but it doesn't help anyone to stay there. Don't go down and worry and get depressed yourself. Instead love them up to you. You want to help someone with depression, so help them! Instead of worrying about them. Love them up to a happier state by noticing and reflecting back to them the skills and amazingness that you see in them. Get my book "You 1 Anxiety 0" here: ========================================­­=== Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: ========================================­­=== Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs: http://givefearthebootkids.