Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

Conquer Your Fear of Flying



Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope: @JodiAman   Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:   Read commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion!    Read an extended summary of this podcast here:   The fear of flying is a pretty common fear, but to me, it was my dirty little secret. I looked at all of my anxiety that way, finding it humiliating to be afraid.     Well, I found out that I wasn’t a wimp. And if you are scared of something, I don’t think you are a wimp either. I just had to break a habit and I can show you how.   We can create situations of fear or pleasure by our thoughts, feelings and expectations. Why choose fear?    Now it is time for you to have an adventure. Where would you go if you weren’t afraid to fly?    Thank you so muc