Lisa Hendey And Friends

Cathy Gilmore "Tiny Virtue Heroes" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #119



On this week's show, Cathy Gilmore, creator of Tiny Virtue Heroes, helps us understand how even small creatures can teach us to be virtuous superheroes! About Cathy Gilmore: “Mrs. Virtue Lady” Cathy Gilmore is an award-winning children's author, educator, and virtue advocate. Her passion is to help families grow virtue-strong in simple, creative, and JOYFUL ways. About Tiny Virtue Heroes: Tiny Virtue Heroes are pretend friends who turn children’s IMAGINATION into a sacred training space, in which everyday habits are powered by God’s grace to become real-life super-powers! These animal and insect characters are friendly “sidekick” storytellers, who introduce kids to Virtue Heroes from the Bible and from the Virtue Mission Regions of the world. Pretending with the Virtue Heroes can make children virtue-STRONG! One by one, a series of storybooks are emerging to bring these characters to life in an especially vivid way. The first story, A Mouse and a Miracle, is available n