Cat And Fox

Cat & Fox - Episode 56 - Kotetsu no O



Find out if Burr still thinks Space Dandy is well.. dandy after a 2nd episode. Gaming Kickstarter pioneer Broken Age (a.k.a. Double Fine Adventure) gets reviewed as well, and an enlightened discussion of Japanese history is ignited after Cat reviews the 2012 film, Emperor, prompting DerrickH to call in. After Kitsune defends a challenge of her loyalty to America, she shares her thoughts on Marvel's Civil War, Anchorman 2, and Kill la Kill! We reach back into the past with The Vision of Escaflowne as our latest challenge to Henneko on Anime Night. A helmet you can sit on and a new love hotel service feature on Cat vs. Fox, while Language Share teaches you how to get your Game of Thrones meme on in Japanese and Spanish. And finally, our news segment focuses on a new candy store in Tokyo we're extremely jealous of!