Everything Voluntary With Skyler J. Collins

Aaron W. Returns, Leaving California for Texas, & Child Protective Services Ordeal (57m) – Episode 435



Post by Skyler J. Collins (Editor). Episode 435 welcomes back Aaron White to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: leaving California and the many reasons for doing so such as living expense, new Democrat Party supermajority in local politics, and the charter school crackdown; moving to Texas, specifically the Dallas / Ft. Worth metro area; social justice and woke ideology verse unschooling and free schooling principles; he and his family's recent experience with California's Child Protective Services; why every lawyer he talked to advised him to comply with CPS as thoroughly as possible, the opposite advice they give when dealing with police officers (ie. keep your mouth shut); how child protective services may exist in a free society and the question of "skin in the game" for these kinds of allegations; and more.