This And That Podcast (w/ Jeff And Gretchen)

Show 81 This And That Podcast



Show 81 This And That Podcast58 minutesdownload mp3:   play right NOW:   Woo-hoo - the website is back up (after much deleting and recreating!). And the show is back too! Chapter 81 includes much talk about the Super Bowl, the Oscars, the past Christmas season, political thought and whatever else we scratched together! Show Notes:It's Been A While!Quick OverviewWebsite Is Back UpSuper Bowl: Ads And ControversyThe OscarsThe Tea PartiesGretchen Does A Tax BreakdownThe Most Drunk And Most Sober CitiesThe Macquarie Bank DebacleNew And Interesting Group ToursThe iPadThe KindleNelson Mandella's 20th AnniversaryNaming Your CarJeff's Mac and CheeseCooking with Garlicu-Verse And Changing PlansGreg Mortenson Lecture: Building Schools