Positive On Publishing Podcast

POP092 - Call in Your Earth Mama with Kerri Hummingbird



In this episode, we talk about deep healing and transformation with Soul Guide Kerri Hummingbird. Kerri is the author of the bestselling books "The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama" and "Love Is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound". We uncover nine fun nuggets in our discussion about her work with clients on the path to spiritual enlightenment. Listen closely for the information about her upcoming programs, “Calling All Earth Mamas” and her year-long program which starts in February. Here are the fun nuggets from the interview: #1: Books can create transformations. #2: The second wave is about clearing Consciousness from the inside out. #3: Listen to get downloads of inspiration. #4: Healing can happen through frequencies and connection to the Earth. #5: Healing is about remembering our connection to all that is. #6:  Healing can happen through shamanic tools. #7:  Safety allows Transformation. #8: Sit and be present. #9:  Let go. About Kerri Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide and host of Soul Nectar Show,