Honestly, Dear Listener

10: Backfire 08.08.14



Photo by Allison Blevins Click here to download.Vulnerability and shame expert/researcher Dr. Brene Brown defines vulnerability as "uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure." Vulnerability isn't about just letting just anyone into our mess, and it isn't burying who we really are in armor that hides who we really are. Balanced vulnerability means that we open our hearts to people who we can trust with our hearts.But what happens when we take calculated risks and vulnerability still backfires on us? This week, I talk to artist, entrepreneur, and dear friend, Allison Blevins to find out how to trust again after dealing with betrayal and personal loss. Music by Podington Bear"Back Stairs""Proliferate""Fragile, Do Not Drop""Song for a Pea""La Di Day""Biplane"