Conversations With Samantha &

What Role Do You Play in Your Relationships - Samantha Clarke



I'm here again with another practical and tip filled session to get you thinking about the role you play in your relationships? This question is key to our showing up and being our best selves, in the workplace, as well as outside of the workplace. It is important to figure out how we can flourish better together, because flourishing is not a solo endeavour. It does involve other people. Sometimes when we are caught up in different communication, pitfall scenarios, or conflict. In this episode I want you to think about the role that you take in some of those different scenarios. What is shaping the friendships, the co-working relationships, the loving relationships that you have? What role are you playing? What could you be doing differently?   “If we don't learn to master the role that we play in the relationship, and the role that other people play around us, we will sometimes be caught up in the games that people play.” - Samantha   3.38 - The sticking point of relationships at work 5.54 - Creating a roadm