In Action With Wendy

John Shiple on Startups (Part 1): Founders meet Technology



  John Shiple — Freelance CTO, technology advisor — triages businesses, help businesses scale, and launches new businesses. He's been in technology over 20 years and loves building internet sites.  In Part 1 of this interview, John and I discuss important topics for non-technical Founders to consider including recruiting challenges, expressing ideas, and the importance of a technical leader. This is a great episode for both founders and technical leaders to get an understanding of common challenges and misalignments. Notes from Interview Collection of Videos about CTOs, recuriting and startups by John (created by DocStoc) Common weaknesses (business side) miscommunication on product needs lack of background in technology  fragile relationships between business and technology technology is the least important - you need to have the right people building the right things Recruiting Help more challenging than other domains if you have a good friend from college that knows CS, get them onboard every techie is wor