Springfield Church

Living up to our inheritance



Paul continues his letter writing to a church in one of the largest, richest and most multi-ethnic cities of the Roman Empire. It is a church with great gifts and talents and a church with many problems!A study by the Barna group in the US a few years ago discovered that there had been a sea change in young people’s view of Christianity. Ten years earlier the vast majority were positive about Christianity. Now only 16% were! The three biggest charges against Christianity were judgemental (87%), hypocritical (85%) and old-fashioned (78%). Will asked the question on Sunday – How has it come to this? The most radical teacher the world has ever seen is now seen to be represented by people who are seen as judgemental, hypocritical and old-fashioned? The answer may start with passages such as the one in 1 Corinthians.To counter the charge made by those around us we need to re-capture the focus on beginning to be changed. We do this by beginning to walk in the Way of Jesus. This will involve our seeking to focus on