Autonomous Cars With Marc Hoag

#160-Anna Kleissner, PhD & Michael Semmer



Austria's Magna Steyr and its imminent ICE to EV transition, and how it syncs up with an AV future If you want to attend MOVE America on September 1-3, grab your free passes here:  I know I often say this about many guests on my show, but today’s discussion with Anna Kleissner, PhD and Michael Semmer, MS, was absolutely fascinating; easily one of my all-time favorite discussions. It was engaging; it was at times entertaining; and it was incredibly thought provoking and educational. To cut to the chase: it turns out that if Austria doesn’t successfully orchestrate a transition of its roughly 314,000-strong automotive sector employees from ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicle production to EV production within about 10 years, it stands to suffer a whopping 5.8% reduction in GDP. In plainer terms, Austria risks losing its entire automotive manufacturing industry if it doesn't fully embrace electric vehicles within 10 years. If this sounds at all familiar, it’s because it bears as striking