Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Worship Fully



Worship is not just something that happens at church. Worship is a state of your heart. Look at the Christmas narrative and see how the central characters expressed their worship in a variety of ways: Mary was moved to sing a song of gratitude to God. Joseph obeyed and followed God’s plan. The shepherds stopped their work to go find and worship the Christ-child. Magi confronted anything that stood in the way of worshiping the one true God. Elizabeth opened her home in an act of hospitality. QUESTIONS • What do you want to experience this year during Advent? • What are some obstacles that might get in the way? • What does worship look like to you? • Notice what you’re spending your time and energy on this Advent. Is it drawing you closer to God or is it distracting you from something else? • What choices do you need to make to ensure that the Christmas season remains a time of focused worship?