Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

172 Avoid Holiday Overwhelm. 3 Practices to You Calm Centered Clear



While the holiday marketing and messages promise us tidings of peace and joy, the reality is that the consciousness of overculture is set to get you and I to buy more, consume more, and do more. And while we all want more meaningful connection, it's way too easy to say yes to things because of obligation, habit or fear of missing out. Every year as we go into December, we take a stand for us all here at Feminine Power Time to do things differently - in how we make our choices for how we spend our time, money and energy so that come the new year WE FEEL SUSTAINED and REPLENISHED - emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially and mentally.  We choose to implement our practice of the "December Downshift" - so that we can begin the new year reset, replenished and rested. This Feminine Power Podcast - 172 Avoid Holiday Overwhelm. 3 Practices to You Calm Centered Clear -builds on the previous podcast, so be sure to tune both. And then use the inquiries and the practices to support you to make small and bigger