Dental Slang With Dr. Christopher Phelps And Dr. Jodi Danna

Smile Analysis and How to Talk to Patients with Dr. Elaine Halley



At the heart of Dental Slang, we are all about communication. How we talk to patients is one of the most important elements of our practice. And now that patients can find us on social media and research everything they need to know before they even come in for treatment, it’s vital that we know how to talk to them and approach their treatment planning with care.  Dr. Elaine Halley discusses how to do just that. As a practicing dentist and the Clinical Director of a group practice with 8 different locations in Scotland, Dr. Halley has experience on both sides of dentistry — as a teacher and as a student. And she is a rare one. She loves the teaching side of things just as much as the practice, and she shares how her teachers inspired her to take an educator’s path of her own. What’s the biggest lesson Dr. Halley has learned as a teacher and a dentist? How crucial it is to invest in interpersonal skills.  Our body language and the words we use with patients when we explain treatment procedures are just as impo