Dennis Knows Food

Brainy Blueberries, Independent Coffee & 2018 Restaurant Trends



In this episode of Dennis Knows Food we've got Maine food news, national coffee news and influences for restaurants in the coming year.Restaurant Business Online just published an article that discusses what restaurants can expect to see as influences in 2018. We're going to discuss some of the insights they've shared, and we've provided a link to the full article below. We're also taking a look at a couple items making headlines recently, wild Maine blueberries and everyone's favorite caffeinated beverage - coffee! We've got those topics and a slew of recent inventory additions to share with you in this week's podcast! This week saw the celebration of Halloween! So, for this week’s foodie fact we’re taking inspiration from candy… What was the first individually wrapped penny candy in America? The Answer at the end of the podcast. Subscribe to the Podcast - Subscribe Now (Subscribe with iTunes) Links and product information mentioned in this episode include our website: The article a