Dennis Knows Food

2017 To-Go Trends and Health Headlines



It’s Wednesday, March 1st and this is the third episode of our Podcast!Spring is right around the corner and we are starting to get the hang of this whole Podcast concept, and from the feedback we’re getting it’s a welcome addition, so thank you! In this, our third episode of the ‘Dennis Knows Food’ Podcast, we take a look at this weeks new products, including a Black and White Mousse from Brooklyn Cannoli Company. In headlines this week we talk about 2017’s expectations for trends in to-go foodservice, and we talk a little more about how to deal with those food and health headlines we’re bombarded with. We close the episode with an update about our new expansion and a reminder for operators about menuing seafood for Lent. Links mentioned in this episode include our website at We look forward to your feedback – help us make future Podcasts more valuable! Subscribe to the Podcast - Subscribe Now (Subscribe with iTunes) We look forward to your feedback, send an email to podcast@dennisexp