Movers + Mavericks

Remove Control and Jump into the Chaos - PJ Nestler - Episode 62



How much in your life do you do that just sucks or you go out of your way to avoid? For the most part we live in or very close to, states of underlying fear, overwhelm and anxiety and they affect our ability to live in our potential and take ourselves to another level. It isn’t the removal of the situations which cause these states that is the key but rather developing the ability to stay calm within ourselves and adapt to the situation which presents itself and move through it with the minimum amount of friction. And we can do this with the right training, the right people around us and as our mentor Tony Molina says, when we have got to the point where we know that change is required and we no longer want to go on living the way we are. And it is under that premise that we release this weeks conversation with performance director for the performance and longevity protocol XPT, Coach PJ Nestler. We have watched XPT develop for a few years now and with two of our good friends @kimmy.moss and @richienorton_ XP