Everyone Is Jonas

000 - How to Play Everyone is Jonas



Everyone is Jonas is based off pen and paper RPG “everyone is john”, created by Michael “Epoch” Sullivan. So if you’re familiar with that game then you have a major head start.We play the game with 4 players but you can play with as many as you want with a minimum of 3. First, a bit of backstory:Jonas McGill is a man of unknown origin, living in the Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada. He appears to be in his late twenties, stands five foot ten inches tall, and has brown eyes and soft, feathered brown hair. He is assumed to be caucasian.Some time ago, Jonas discovered things no human should ever know and was granted the ability to talk telepathically with inter dimensional beings. In a Faustian bargain with one said being, for reasons unknown to us, Jonas acquired an item of great magical power. A magical purple backpack, weightless and with a seemingly unlimited capacity.The backpack came at a great cost, however, granting beings dominion over poor Jonas’ mind. He has tried in vain to be rid of the ba