The Stamie & Tracy Show

#14 Jennifer Esposito - Actress, Director, Bad Ass, Beauty, Kissing a Girl with Co-host Christine Crokos



Jennifer Esposito is our guest this week!!! With the lovely Christine Crokos (Director of the feature film "Pimp") and the Producer of Jen's new movie!!!  Jen is a special lady and I have been a fan of hers for decades and still miss her on Blue Bloods! Jen has done it all and keeps pushing the limits with her next endeavor Directing a feature film she wrote and will act in, called "Fresh Kills" . Shes on the cutting edge of how films will be financed in the future, including offering "stocks" where fans can really own a piece of the project and also including the extra benefits of owning NFTs "Non-Fungeable Tokens" for Fresh Kills. One of the first projects to think outside of the box and jump in head first of what the future has to offer with block chain technology. Her film "Fresh Kills" is influenced by her upbringing in NYC, growing up around the mafia and the role the women played in that world. Her upbringing has made her a fighter and you need to be a fighter to make it in Hollywood. She's an America