Suzy Brandtastic

Suzy Brandtastic Interviews Mallie Rydzik, The Off-Road Millennial



Tune in Monday, January 12, 2015 as Susan Newman (aka Suzy Brandtastic) interviews Mallie Rydzik. Mallie Rydzik, M.S., is a coach, writer, and speaker who works with fellow overeducated and underfulfilled Millennials to achieve work-life balance and turn their skillsets into thriving online businesses. She is a recovering academic who dropped out of a Ph.D. program following a mental health breakdown, which led to diagnoses of obsessive-compulsive disorder, chronic depression, and binge eating disorder. This was the catalyst that drove her to rediscover life and work. A scientist by trade, she uses a combination of her analytical and creative mind to help others identify both deficiencies and strengths in their lives and businesses. She writes and podcasts about the future of work, work-life balance, and online business strategy at The Off-Road Millennial ( Mallie is the author of the upcoming book, Owning It: How To Embrace The Best AND Worst Parts Of You To Thrive In Life