Cindy Cox Ministries

Master-Gardening for Your Soul: A Series on Inner Healing #6



Session 6 - The Fear of Rejection Do you need the approval, the appreciation, the acceptance of man in order to feel fulfilled? Do you worry about what others think or say about you? Do you “change faces” when with different people or in different settings? Do you feel like you don’t belong? Do you deal with insecurity, inferiority or poor self-image? These are just a few of the symptoms of a deceptive root of rejection. The deception of rejection says that you have no value, and therefore can be discarded or rejected. That is a lie. As a daughter or son of God, you are accepted! You are loved! You are SO valuable to Him! In this session, Cindy leads you into truth that has the potential to set you free from the bondage of rejection, and into the fullness of your redemption in Christ!!!