Movers + Mavericks

Ice isn't about the cold, it's about who you become - Kimmy Moss - Episode 61



This weeks podcast is with Kimmy Moss who is one of the team at Deuce Gym, founder of Breath & Exposure and a kindred spirit for her love of the ice bath and what it does for anyone who steps in and goes inside. We met Kimmy like many of our LA friends through Carl Paoli when he hosted his new seminar the Freestyle Insider in London back in early 2019. Shared ideas and a connection over soccer, for Chris and Kimmy at least led us to want to sit down with Kimmy when we were back in LA and hit record. We talk about her transition from the soccer field to the position of coach and how this has created within her a definite ability to support her athletes to realise something more within themselves, the hidden potential that lies deep beneath the layers of our conditioning and what we think we can do. That idea is something Chris and I believe greatly in and that is also the challenge that we all face to realise the potential inside, the challenge being peeling back those layers that we add over time. And thi