Connie Pheiff Show

Why do 99% of teams underperform - Yes they really do and you can change the statistic in your favor with Jason Treu



SHARE, SHARE, SHARE and receive this week’s Give-a-way What is the one factor that separates great teams from all the rest. Keep listening as Jason Treus shares the key principles and strategies to maximize performance, engagement, and teamwork. Connect with Jason Treu #JasonTreu on most Social Media Platforms. SHARE, SHARE, SHARE and receive this week’s Give-a-way Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. ~Napoleon Hill YOU ARE LISTENING TO THE CONNIE PHEIFF SHOW Former executive turned Lifestyle entrepreneur, Connie Pheiff is ridiculously dedicated to representing with the World’s Most Daring Minds who are keeping the passion of life activated. Each week Connie brings you confident conversations with today's leading entrepreneurs who made the bold choice to go from moving up the corporate ladder to moving out and building a successful lifestyle business and Be Unstoppable Together. The Network is reaching over 5.5m potential listeners each month. And we’re not done yet… We are streaming ev